Dysbiosis (or dysbacteriosis) describes a microbial imbalance within the human body. Simply put, it is an imbalance of good versus bad bacteria.
It is most common on the skin or within the digestive tract; but may also develop on almost any exposed surface or tissue layer (vaginal area, eyes, the lungs, nose, sinuses, ears, and nails).
This post will look at intestinal (or gut) dysbiosis, specifically where the digestive function is often affected.
An imbalance of good and bad bacteria within the tummy
Toxic bowels and ill-health is often triggered by damage to good intestinal flora (friendly bacteria). The overgrowth of harmful bacteria and parasites, like Monilia albicans, also referred to as the yeast syndrome, will occur.
Enzymes produced by these harmful micro-organisms can sometimes deactivate human digestive enzymes and transform human bile or parts of food into chemicals, which support the start of diseases. Certain by-products of bacterial enzyme activity, like ammonia, can affect normal brain function. These by-products have to be processed by the liver; placing it under additional strain.
Gut or intestinal dysbiosis may be triggered by the spreading of pathogenic parasites, yeast and/or bacteria, which can in itself have any number of causes:
* high levels of stress
* illness and/or high fever
* chemical exposure
* poor diet
* overuse of antibiotics, contraception pills and other medication
The presence of mercury within the body (dental amalgams) may produce mutations in intestinal bacteria. This may cause small holes within the gut lining, which may result in dysbiosis and leaky gut syndrome.
Dysbiosis is commonly an underlying condition in those regularly sick (a vicious circle of illness resulting in lower levels of good bacteria, resulting in a weakened immunity). Usually, it’s undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. It has also been connected with many other ailments:
- inflammatory bowel disease (e.g. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- yeast infections
- atrophic arthritis.
Do I have dysbiosis?
If you are worried that you may have an imbalance in your bowel flora, it is always best to consult a certified health care provider. However, you may presumably experience a mixture of any or all of the following:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Intestinal upsets
- Chronic stomach ache (especially after eating)
- Bloating
- Cramping
- Flatulence
- Heartburn
- Burping
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
People with dysbiosis also often display plenty of the symptoms usually attributed to candida. Intestinal bacteria or viruses are often the principal reason behind these, instead of harmful yeasts. Yet, the foremost severe dysbiosis cases are inclined to involve yeast and harmful bacteria within the intestines.
Dealing with Dysbiosis
It is worth noting that, while you have dysbiosis, your body could also be more prone to other infections (bacterial and viral). It can be because the gut and your immunity system are linked. As such, addressing the dysbiosis may be a good idea – in other words, trying to up your levels of friendly bacteria to assist in the restoration of the balance of your bowel flora.

Lifestyle and diet play a significant role in controlling and correcting dysbiosis. Avoiding foods and beverages and avoiding activities or other factors that may cause a diminishing of the good bacteria within the body (overuse of antibiotics, smoking, stress etc.) – will inflame the gut, put a strain on the digestive system and reduce the enzyme reserves.
You could also actively try to do things that support healthy levels of good bacteria within the body, including more probiotic foods in your diet and supplementing with probiotic bacteria.
A nutritionist can guide you by setting up the best food plan and supplements can help you onto the road to recovery.
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